Updated February 13, 2019

Giles County Farmers are finding ways to meet local food demands during the gardening season.

One way to ensure your food is as fresh as the day it was picked is to join a local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program this spring.

According to farmers, people want to know where their food comes from and how it was grown. One way to ensure your food is as fresh as the day it was picked is to join a local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program this spring.

CSA connect consumers with producers and allow residents across Tennessee to purchase seasonal products directly from local farmers. By joining a CSA, you will receive healthy food at its tasty best while supporting the local economy.

Programs vary across the state, becoming a CSA member ensures fresh products for 25 to 30 weeks a year.

To find a CSA program visit www.PickTNProducts.org