Updated February 12, 2019

State Representative Scott Cepicky, a Republican from Columbia, has introduced a bill that would bring  harsher penalty to those caught with a small amount of marijuana inside a Tennessee school zone.

Under the Student Protection and Zone Equity Act, currently listed as HB0238, any type of drug-related crime within a drug-fee zone, 1,000 feet from a school, park , library or daycare, would be considered a Class E felony.

The most lenient felony class in the state, a Class E felony charge is punishable by one to six years in prison, as well as a fine up to $3,000, according to state codes.

The bill would end a legal loophole used by drug dealers in Giles County and across the state.

After passing on second consideration today (Monday), the bill will be reviewed by the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Criminal Justice Subcommittee in the State House.